Tag Archives: Railyard

Why? Because Yoni said so…


I recently interviewed Yoni Wolf of Why? for Noise and Color Magazine. I’m super excited to see it up on the blog. You can check it out on the Noise and Color blog.

I was rather start struck to speaking with the front man of Why? I first heard their album Alopecia when my friend’s car broke down on the Butte Pass in Montana. We were stuck at the top of the Continental Divide for 3 hours waiting for help, and this album was on loop. When I told Yoni about this, he said apologized and said that it must have driven us nuts. I told him it was probably the only good thing about that trip. We rocked out to that album until a nice man replaced our fuses and then we were on our way.

Why? will be performing at the Railyard on Feb. 27.

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